The expenses for power supply project and the charges for electricity utilization payable shall be handled according to the relevant regulations of the State. 所需供电工程费用和应付电费依照国家有关规定执行。
Are you prepared to upkeep a complete record of sales, income and expenses, accounts payable and receivables? 你准备一个完整的维修记录,销售,收入和支出,应付帐款和应收款?
Accrued expenses and taxes payable represent obligations of the firm as of the date of balance sheet preparation. 自生支出及应付税款表示公司在制定平衡表当天的应付款项。
In this example, the salary expenses is$ 100, and the decrease in salary payable is$ 20, thus, we can calculate the cash payments to employees as follows. 在本例中,工资费用是100美元,应付工资减少额是20美元,于是,向雇员支付的现金可计算如下。
The historical cost of inventory purchased includes the purchase consideration, transportation, loading and unloading expenses, insurance, reasonable loss incurred in transit, preparatory ex-penses incurred before warehousing and taxes payable. 购入的存货,以买价加运输、卸,保险等费用,运输途中的合理损耗、库前的挑选,整理费用和应缴纳的税金作为实际成本。
Current liabilities refer to the debts which should be paid off within a year or an operating cycle longer than a year, including accounts payable, advances from customers, accrued expenses, and taxes payable, etc. 流动负债是指将在一年以内或者超过一年的一个营业周期以内偿还的债务,包括应付账款、预收货款、应计费用、应付税款等。
Income tax: indicating the income tax expenses payable in the current period. 九所得税:指本期应负担之所得税费用。
If the above services incur third party payment expenses, they are payable by the user. 若该支援服务发生需向SOS外第三方支付的费用,则由使用者自己承担。
In case of difficult labor when the insured person has already claimed hospitalization benefits, delivery expenses shall no longer be payable. 被保险人难产已申领住院诊疗给付者,不再给与分娩费。
The increase in interests payable should be subtracted from the interest expenses that appear on the income statement, and the decrease in interests payable should be added to interest expense. 应付利息的增加应该从损益表上显示的利息费用中减去,应付利息的减少则应该加上。
All fees, charges and expenses of the funds will be accrued daily until they are payable. 各基金之一切费用、收费和支出将每日累积计算直至缴付为止。
The term "accrual basis" means that income is recorded when it becomes receivable and ascertained and expenses are recorded when they become payable and ascertained. 应收帐款的记录;所谓权责发生制,系指收益于确定应收时,费用于确定应付时,即行入帐。